Friday, September 20, 2013

Lost on a path to no where

I started this blog to get healthy, physically, and for my husband and I to share our experience with others who may be struggling as well. I've joined support groups on facebook and on reddit, and I've tried to change our daily diet to include less soda, and more wholesome foods...I think I've started on the wrong track.

I am a crazy, stressed, over burdened mother of a 14 month old, a student, a teacher, a crafter, and artist. I have my mind and my body going in so many directions, that it's started to fold in on itself. I am beginning to see why our diet went from wholesome to coffee shop muffins, and convenience store snack grabs.

Health isn't just physical. Health is mental, spiritual and physical.

I feel that I've lost my mental strength because of a long-time, unchecked wavering of spiritual health. I am not Christian. I did not make this choice in ignorance, but instead, in knowledge. It is a faith that guides hundreds of thousands of people in countries around the globe, but it is not the faith that speaks to me. That being said, I don't have a faith that I cling to. I have a faith that is mystic, and ever surrounding, but that has no name. Is this wrong? I don't believe so.

I feel that to be strong and healthy, we much have a strong foundation in our place in the world. I don't mean coordinates of your location, I mean where do your roots sink into your being and grow towards your faith. I think I've lost touch with those roots, and so my branches can not grow strong... yes, it's a tree analogy... I need to reconnect to nature, the only pure and surviving faith. Trees don't need a god to thrive, they don't need scripture to grow towards the sun.

I want to reconnect with my inner Oak tree. Once I find spiritual stability, I am sure I can find balance in my mental and physical health as well.

I know I can't be the only one who feels this way. I know I'm not the only one who has lost themselves on their life journey. I am not the only one who needs to look around and find a new balance.

I know I'm not alone.

I hope others can find their balance.

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Blerch

A blog my husband reads regularly posted about running. The reasons why he runs, and one of those reasons is the "Blerch" You can read about it at the "Oatmeal".

I think that hiding in my baby fat is my OWN Blerch.

I think his name shall be Rudi, he is angry, and he shall be banished!

Neither of us have been juicing. I was having blood sugar issues, and Dave ran out of recipes that didn't taste horrible.

We got a gym membership, but when summer came around, we were too busy going out and doing things in nature to spend time at the gym... and a 6 mile hike is better than a 6 mile treadmill walk, staring at a wall, and listening to music you did not choose, right? Also, the day care cut back their hours, and we couldn't get in when they were open, and when we did, they were full.

We have stalled our membership until the drab and cold winter months return.

We have tried to eat healthier, and sometimes we fall off the wagon, sometimes we get some really good healthy meals in us. Our hours make it difficult to maintain our healthy diet, since I'm asleep when Dave comes home from work and wants dinner at 6am. I'm going to school, having been up several hours already.  when he is waking up for Breakfast.

We will make it work...

I set a goal for myself to walk "The Butte" by the end of the summer. And I want to be able to run a mile by the end of the year and NOT have an asthma attack.

We'll see how that goes...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Discoveries of will power

Echo here, just wanted to get a few thoughts off my mind.

I am discovering that juicing is harder than I expected. It's not that I'm not trying, it's that I'm having a hard time finding this with the right nutrients for my needs. When I drink juices without additional food, I feel dizzy, weak, and hungry. ALL THE TIME! I am drinking gallons of water, but still feeling dehydrated. I try juices with oranges and apple and some veggies, and the Orange is overpowering and the citrus stings my cracked and chapped lips.

I've started a rock climbing class to help tone and slim down my leg and arm muscles, and managed to pull muscles in my arms and shoulders, even after stretching. And exacerbate the tendinitis in my wrist.

I want to start doing some Pilates and yoga work, as well as some basic strengthening workouts like sit-ups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc. But find that I simply don't have enough time to complete all my obligations. Between the baby, school, and work, I am having to choose between showering, working out or eating, and I can only choose 2 of the 3.

I need to find a dependable babysitter, who is willing to take the baby for a few hours every week 1.5 hours at a time, and an affordable gym membership. Or if I could find an inexpensive treadmill, I'd be more likely to fit it into my day, as I wouldn't need to worry about daycare, or driving somewhere to workout. I'd go for walks in the neighborhood, but it's currently 9*F. This morning, it was 0*F. That is really cold, and almost instantly triggers Asthma issues.

I am actually up a few pounds from my starting weight, but have been fluctuating over 7 lbs per day. So my weight depends on when I weigh in. I'm thinking I might do a regular meal for Dinner each night, a protein shake/meal replacement for a snack and lunch, and a juice for breakfast. I started school again this last week. It's been tough to find a good time to eat, since I start at 7 am, and don't get to take a break until after 3pm each  day. If I can take the juice and the shakes to school with me, I can fit them in while I'm running between classes.

I've moved my coffee and teas to a 1% or non-fat milk, with reduced sugar. I've cut down on sugary or fatty snacks, now only "splurging" on chocolate. I will fill a baby food container with chocolate and yogurt covered raisins before school, and snack on them through the day, I've been trying to drink chocolate milk instead of sodas and sports drinks. And I picked up some flavored protein and electrolyte powder to try, you add it to water or milk.

I'll post a review when I finally get the nerve to try them. For now, it's been fruit juices +Leafy greens, and vanilla bean protein shakes. I've even been doing protein shakes and meal replacements instead of desert.

Hope it works. I've been too depressed with my weight to go shopping for new clothes, because I know nothing I try on will fit right. I'm still wearing maternity jeans, because they fit better than non-maternity.

Let me know if you have any recipe suggestions for juicing with a sweet tooth, or for dressing with a larger, curvier figure than usual. I'll post start point photos soon.

Friday, January 4, 2013

First Adventures

I am a Work at Home Mom and Student. My husband works security for a private contractor at our local hospital. We have a five month old son. We lead busy, chaotic, and until now, unhealthy lives. A week ago. I watched a series of documentaries about healthy lifestyles, and the benefits. The top two were "Hungry for Change", and "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." Both of these are available on Netflix (as of Jan 1, 2013) if you haven't seen them.

I was so enamored with the message that they sent that I had my husband watch them. And while wrestling with a fussy baby, and working through a customer order, we decided that it was time for a change. I live a fairly sedentary life, and I am one hell of a carnivore. What better time to start a new lifestyle goal than at new years, when resolutions are flying about and fatty Christmas celebration foods are on sale...

we started by trying the "Mean Green" by Joe Cross (Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead) It's a veggie juice masterpiece full of lush leafy greens, and great detox antioxidants. Here is the recipe:

(Photo from Green Plate Rule)

We will post a review on this juice and any revisions at a later time... after we have been able to drink, and process it.

If you are looking for some more useful links, check out pinterest, and reddit.